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Saturday, November 6, 2021

How to Fix could not parse the android application module's Gradle config || Add Firebase with Android Studio Project

 Hi Everyone!! Today We will fix the issue of "could not parse the android application module's gradle config. Resolve gradle build issue and/or resync".  

As we know if we want to connect Firebase with our Android Studio project, we can do it by manually add or can add by Android Studio Assistant Tools. 

So today we will try to add firebase with our Android studio project by firebase Assistant. For doing that first we need to go the "Tools" from upper bar. Then click on "Firebase" . After that in the right sight you will see the android studio Firebase Assistant has opened. And you will get the "Authentication" option, Click on that. After that you will see "Email and Password Authentication" ,  click on that.  

Now you will get the step of connecting Firebase with your Android studio project. First we will complete the first step which is Connect to Firebase. You can see in the video I am getting error after click on Connect to firebase. The Error is showing " Could not parse the android application module's Gradle config. Resolve gradle build issue and/or resync, So let's check what issue we have in Gradle file. 

As we can see our build screen showing that our build tool 31.0.0 is missing. So, Lets check and install the build tool 31.0.0 version. For checking that, click on Project Structure icon, 

then you will get the Android SDK window, there you will see all the SDK version tool, from there you can install any SDK in your project  or you can easily uninstall also.

As you can see in above image, my project already has installed SDK build tool 31.0.0,  now click on Show package details from bottom, now you will be able to see which version is installed in your project. As we see our project already has build tool 31.0.0 installed, let's try to build the project again.

Now you can see it's showing the error of "Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted", So we need to solve this problem now.

For solving this, first click on project structure.

After click on "Project structure" , will open a window, in that window in the "Modules" section, you will see Compile SDK Version, there you need to select the version 30.0.0 and in the Build Tools Version, select the version 30.0.1 or 30.0.2 or 30.0.3 all are ok. Then click on OK. 

After that, your project will automatically start to sync, After syncing done, we will try to build our project and will check whether we solved our problem or not.

As you can see, our project successfully build, we have solved Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager"

Now let's check whether our main problem has solved or not. Which was "could not parse the android application module's gradle config. Resolve gradle build issue and/or resync" .

Let's try to connect Firebase again, now you will see, once you click on Connect to Firebese, it will automatically open your browser window and will go to Firebase console, you need to create a new project on firebase, or you can select your existing firebase project, then they will ask several permission, just click on  Continue, and at the last the Add Firebase this button will appear. click on that.  After that your Firebase project will ready and you will get the below image. 

Click on Connect.

As you can see our Android studio project is connected with Firebase successfully. So we have solved both problem of "could not parse the android application module's gradle config. Resolve gradle build issue and/or resync" and "Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager" successfully.

That's it. 

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